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The School Leader's Podcast

The School Leader's Podcast is a podcast for current and aspiring principals on a mission to create a school of excellence. On this podcast, we will explore the challenges, strategies, and successes of the school leader's journey. Listeners will hear from fellow school leaders and other voices on the field to scale up your leadership practices in several areas, including school culture, student achievement, innovative ideas and more. I will also share my reflections and tips from over 15 years as a school leader. Together, we will dive deep into the real work of school leaders & how to plan for success. 

Recent Episodes

July 5, 2024

37. 7 Things Effective School Leaders Do Over the Summer

In this episode, I discuss 7 Things Effective School Leaders Do Over the Summer. Summer is here. While schools are closed for the summer, most school leaders and principals are working over the summer. It is important then t…
May 18, 2024

36. 5 Mini-Habits to Become a Better Leader

In this episode, I discuss 5 Mini Habits to Become a Better Leader. James Clear, Atomic Habits, says change doesn’t have to be huge, dramatic, or instantaneous. James explained that if you “get just 1% better each day, you’l…
March 10, 2024

35. Unlock Your Leadership Potential: 10 Strategies for Growth

In this episode, I discuss how to Unlock Your Leadership Potential by focusing on 10 Strategies for Growth. John Maxwell, 15 Laws of Growth , stated that the 1st Law of Growth is The Law of Intentionality – Growth doesn’t ha…
Jan. 13, 2024

34. 5 Things to Stop Doing as a Leader

In this episode, I discuss 5 Things to Stop Doing as a Leader. The late great management thinker Peter Drucker said: “We spend a lot of time teaching our leaders what to do. We don’t spend enough time teaching them what to s…
Dec. 30, 2023

33. Focus: Tips to Eliminate Distractions

In this episode, I discuss Focus: Tips to Eliminate Distractions. I will share three tips to reduce or eliminate distractions and focus on what you want more this year. For many leaders, the problem isn’t a lack of time. The…
Nov. 11, 2023

32. Leading with Gratitude

In this episode, I discuss Leading with Gratitude. As you listen, pay close attention to the benefits of living a grateful life and 5 habits that will help you lead with gratitude. To lead with gratitude, every leader should…

Recent Blog Posts

7 Things Effective School Leaders Do Over the Summer

Summer is here. Most schools are closed for the summer. However, most school leaders and principals work over the summer. It is important that school leaders and principals catch their breath and recharge their leadership battery. Although the work…

Top 10 Episodes of The School Leader’s Podcast

The School Leader’s Podcast explore the challenges, strategies, and successes of the school leader's journey. Listeners hear from fellow school leaders and other voices on the field about how they can level up and scale up their leadership ski…

Tips for New Assistant Principals

Are you a new assistant principal? In this blog, I share tips for new assistant principals. If you are a newly appointed assistant principal, Congratulations! I am proud of you. I know you are excited and ready to work alongside your principal to tu…